Greenhouse Gardening Tips

Top Tips for Cooling Down Your Greenhouse in Summer

Written by BC Greenhouse Builders | Jun 20, 2024 5:49:00 PM

Explore effective strategies to keep your greenhouse cool and thriving during the summer season.

Optimizing Air Circulation

One of the most important factors in cooling down your greenhouse during the summer months is optimizing air circulation. Good air movement helps to prevent heat buildup and distribute cool air evenly throughout the space. To achieve this, you can use fans or natural ventilation techniques such as opening windows and doors. Placing fans strategically to create a cross breeze can significantly improve air circulation.


Another way to optimize air circulation is by using circulating fans. These fans can be installed at different levels to ensure that air is constantly moving and reaching all areas of your greenhouse. Additionally, removing any obstructions such as overgrown plants or equipment can also help to improve the flow of air.

Utilizing Shade Structures

When the sun is at its peak during the summer, it's important to provide shade for your greenhouse. This can be achieved by utilizing shade structures such as shade cloth or shade netting. These materials can be easily attached to the roof or walls of your greenhouse to reduce the amount of direct sunlight entering the space.


Another option is to use shade-loving plants to provide natural shade. Planting tall, leafy plants around the perimeter of your greenhouse can help to create a shaded area inside. Just make sure to choose plants that are suitable for the climate in your area and that won't compete with your greenhouse crops for resources.

Implementing Proper Ventilation

Proper ventilation is essential for cooling down your greenhouse in the summer. It helps to remove hot air and bring in fresh, cool air from outside. All our greenhouses include Automatic Roof Vents (AVOs) to allow the hot air to rise out of your greenhouse. The vents themselves are solar-powered with a wax piston that expands and contracts with the heat raising and lowering your vent as needed. 

Additionally we have the option to install side vents or louvers in your greenhouse. This allows for a more passive ventilation for those in warmer climates.

Another option is to use exhaust fans. These fans can be placed strategically to draw out hot air and promote air exchange. It's important to size the fans correctly for your greenhouse to ensure they are effective in cooling down the space.

Managing Humidity Levels

High humidity can make your greenhouse feel even hotter during the summer months. To manage humidity levels, proper watering techniques are essential. Make sure to water your plants in the morning to allow excess moisture to evaporate throughout the day. Avoid watering in the evening as this can lead to increased humidity overnight.

Another way to manage humidity is by using dehumidifiers. These devices can help to remove excess moisture from the air and maintain optimal humidity levels inside your greenhouse. It's important to regularly monitor humidity levels and adjust accordingly to create a comfortable environment for your plants.


Additional Greenhouse Maintenance Tips

Discover more greenhouse maintenance tips in our latest part of the "Ultimate Guide for Planning Your Greenhouse" Series focusing on annual greenhouse maintenance and preparing for extreme weather.