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Greenhouse Glazing

Why Choose Polycarbonate Glazing for Your Greenhouse?

When choosing a greenhouse, on of the key decisions is selecting the right glazing material. The choice between glass and polycarbonate glazing impacts insulation, light diffusion, and durability. While glass remains a timeless and aesthetically pleasing option, polycarbonate has gained popularity due to its strength, energy efficiency, and versatility. If you're considering polycarbonate for your greenhouse, here's what you need to know about its benefits and suitability for different gardening needs.

BC Greenhouse with Five-wall polycarbonate.

Discover the Benefits of Fivewall Polycarbonate for your Greenhouse

What is Fivewall Polycarbonate Glazing?

BC Greenhouses has been working with this glazing product for a few years. It was so impressive in terms of its energy efficiency that we built a new aluminum framing system to accommodate the wider profile. For example, a typical single glass greenhouse glazing is 3mm in thickness whereas the Fivewall polycarbonate is an impressive 16mm.

Donna Balzer in her greenhouse, reading a book.

Cool Down Your Greenhouse: Benefits of Using Shade Cloth

Benefits of Shade Cloth

I’m sitting in my greenhouse sipping a cool drink as I look outside. With the current heatwave this is positively the coolest spot in the garden right now. But it didn’t use to be that way. Scorched leaves, dry soil and wilted, bolting lettuce used to be the norm.

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