Greenhouse Gardening Tips

Posts about:

BC Greenhouse (4)


Hobby Greenhouse Growing: Tips for Ordering Seeds and Supplies

Before You Order Seeds for Your Hobby Greenhouse, Read the Fine Print


When I started growing in my Greenhouse Garden a few of my favourite plants stopped working for me. That's what I learned to read the catalog fine print and adapt my shopping for a better hobby greenhouse growing. 

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WindSong Cohousing: A Sustainable Community with a BC Greenhouse Connection

Previously, I put out a request for stories and projects that helped to shape the BC Greenhouse that we are today. Rick visited my office and mentioned the WindSong Cohousing project.  I had never heard of this project and ironically Cody found newspaper articles and stories about WindSong and left them on my desk this morning. I love how the universe works.

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Greenhouse that was recently rebuilt

Moving a Greenhouse Five Times: A Customer's Story & Testimonial

Read our customer's story about moving his beloved greenhouse five times

Thank you once again, Kyle, for taking the time to look after me yesterday. I did, again, appreciate so much your thoughtfulness in assisting me with my own reconstruction dilemma of a few weeks ago. As with everyone there, you showed such warmth and kindness, and as always, I am away with such a good feeling of support and confidence about my maintenance of my beloved little greenhouse.

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The Best Soil for Greenhouse Gardening: A Comprehensive Guide

Soil Primer

If you are new to growing and subscribe to the "just add water" school of thought, then this is going to come as a shock to you. With terms like super soil, triple mix, natural soil and soil with no soil, it is certainly confusing for new gardeners to start growing in their greenhouse! How do you know what to use for successful, continuous growth? How do you get the best flavor in your food and the brightest colour in your flowers?

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5 Tips for Keeping Your Greenhouse Toasty this Winter

Keeping Your Plants Cozy This Holiday Season

Imagine my surprise when a small hole we drilled through our greenhouse foundation became a runway for mice. We pulled an extension cord into my greenhouse through that hole and the tiny gap became a neon sign for rodents.

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The inside of Donna's Greenhouse

6 Tips for Cleaning Your Greenhouse Before Winter Sets In

Its never too early to get a head start

My husband and I planned a mid-week ski trip but on departure day I was still in my off finishing a time-sensitive project. We were staying overnight at the hill, it was still a workday, and the car was loaded up. There was no rush to get moving.

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