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Posts about:

greenhouse gardening (2)

Donna Balzer and her dog

Clearing Greenhouse Waste: Tips for Small-Scale Gardeners

Arnold is always hungry. And some of his favorite foods are the fruits and vegetables I grow in my greenhouse.  He also eats the plants of the tomatoes and squash I grow. He gently pokes around, licking up the small green fruits first and then chomps down on the whole tangled twisted plant.

Start Your Fall Crops Now: Take Advantage of August's Greenhouse Space

August Plants

August crops are growing so fast that I should have a time-lapse camera to record the speedy growth. It’s a good thing I’m home all month to watch the changes and get the next crops planted and growing.  Check out my tips to grow your own food too!

Cabbage growing amongst flowers.

Solving Watering Problems in Your Greenhouse Garden

Watering Problems?

Hand watering is fun for gardeners. If you are around to get the job done. But a wilted plant is a stressed plant and stressed plants get buggy. I would love to stay home all summer watering my
greenhouse at exactly the right minute but that’s just wishful thinking. The truth is, life gets in the way and instead of tending my tomatoes and pacifying my pak choi with hand watering I seem to travel just when my babies need me.

Bowl of Vegetables in garden

Is It Time To Start Planting?

Rick cornered Helpful Husband on the 19th hole at the golf course. Rick keeps trying to grow a perfect spring tomato but once again his tomatoes are tall, thin and floppy. He hoped asking Helpful Husband would get the message across to me and it did.

bulbs growing in a bowl

Bring Spring to Your Home Early with Lily Bulbs and a Greenhouse

Forcing Bulbs

For the friends with the winter blues, or being impressive on Valentine's Day, consider forcing bulbs. "Forcing" sounds ruthless, but it's the process of condensing the bulb's winter and spring, so the flowers bloom in early winter instead of mid-Spring. A greenhouse makes this easy, and foolproof.