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Posts about:

greenhouse gardening

Fluent Garden Curved Pacific Greenhouse

Tips for a Successful Backyard Greenhouse

Why I Chose the Pacific Greenhouse

When it comes to my gardening journey, there's one thing I can't imagine living without: my Pacific greenhouse. Now in my third year with this model, I am so happy with my choice. The curved roof adds a touch of attractiveness to my front garden, and also has the added bonus of shedding snow and debris with ease. I can't recall ever needing to sweep anything off the roof, which is a huge time-saver.

Lettuce growing in garden

Stagger Your Harvest: Double-Cropping for Your Winter Greenhouse

The peak of summer brings the best of all worlds for the greenhouse gardener. Early tomatoes, the first zucchini and loads of strawberries. But there is another thing summer brings. The chance to start winter vegetables in your greenhouse.

Speckled Lettuce

Benefits of Head Lettuce: Why Grow Your Own Lettuce This Season

If you watch old re-runs on Netflix you have seen how fashions and styles have changed dramatically since Seinfeld was filmed in the 1990s. The same is true for food – especially lettuce.

I first wrote about “novel” mesclun greens (mixed lettuce) in 1995. Since then, they have become so popular, that bagged lettuce is the only lettuce most people know. And this is too bad because lettuce greens or bagged greens are really just immature greens like kale and lettuce leaves. So, for something completely novel, why not go back to the future? Grow full-size head lettuce in your Greenhouse Garden this year.

Most people don’t remember life before the small bags of lettuce leaves so commonly sold now at big box stores and local farm markets. But if you want the crunch of lettuce in a BLT sandwich or if you want to replace Pita bread with a Keto-friendly lettuce leaf wrap for lunch, then start growing your own heads of lettuce this season.

Perennial Primula

5 Proven Ways to Boost Your Flower and Food Greenhouse Garden

Five ways to raise your flowers and food


Nature hates a gap. That’s why weeds fill in every nook and cranny available to them outdoors. Sprinkling desirable seeds outside as the snow thaws on the south side of your home or Greenhouse Garden this spring lets you copy nature’s best efforts. Inside your greenhouse, scatter seeds on top of pots or flats. A light dusting of soil and a sheet of glass laid flat over trays keeps the humidity high until the seeds grow.

Kale and other greenhouse green vegetables

Greenhouse Growing: 5-Step Plan for Sensible & Successful Gardening

Greenhouse Growing is Planning for the Future

I am eating a lot of Kale and Bok Choi from my cool Greenhouse Garden right now.  The winter-sown spinach is suddenly starting to explode as the days get longer too. There are still a few beets and carrots in the greenhouse and the season of overlapping crops is about to begin.  This is a normal life with a greenhouse growing.