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Cross Country Greenhouse from the 1970's

Investing in Quality: The Story of a Cross Country Greenhouse

We were so excited to receive the photos of this greenhouse from the early 1970s after it was cleaned up and reinstalled at its new location.  There is great value in buying a quality product that stands the test of time.

Transforming Your Vegetable Garden with These Three Uncommon Annuals

Last Summer I realized My little food garden was looking dull- prolific - but dull. To remedy the tedious rows, I decided to try three uncommon annuals to improve the appearance. To my surprise, they all flowered for five months. These plentiful flowers did so much to spiff up the vegetable Greenhouse Garden that this summer, they've made their debut in the flowerbed.

Periwinkle Greenhouse

Customize Your Greenhouse with Any Color Imaginable

We really do build greenhouses in any custom color! This periwinkle greenhouse was shipped to Oregon and the picture are from during that installation process. Would you pick a color as wild as this one? Or something more classic?

Greenhouse Installation near a pool

Tips for the Best Greenhouse Location for Optimal Plant Growth

Optimizing Sunlight, Temperature, and More: How to Choose the Best Greenhouse Location

Believe it or not, there is an ideal location for your greenhouse! Certain locations will not have the optimal lighting for your plans during a different season.