How to Grow Pesticide-Free Strawberries in Your Greenhouse
I was just reading about how over-sprayed commercial strawberries area. I was reading this on the same day I was planting up my own greenhouse strawberries!
I was just reading about how over-sprayed commercial strawberries area. I was reading this on the same day I was planting up my own greenhouse strawberries!
I had to take a break in the shade. It was over 30 C, the sun was beating down and I was thinking I might be getting heat stroke. So I stepped into my greenhouse to cool down.
Rick cornered Helpful Husband on the 19th hole at the golf course. Rick keeps trying to grow a perfect spring tomato but once again his tomatoes are tall, thin and floppy. He hoped asking Helpful Husband would get the message across to me and it did.
If you have dealt with BC Greenhouses in the past, you might have been asked about your door drop. And you even may have wondered what we were talking about. Here is a quick explanation to the door drop and why it is important for your hobby greenhouse plans.
A door drop is a custom modification that lowers the greenhouse door into the foundation (or allows the door to be flush with the ground). Prior to manufacturing the greenhouse, BC Greenhouse Builders will ask for the dimensions of the “drop” which is the total height of the greenhouse foundation (which could be a concrete footing, one row of 4x4’s, or a custom rock wall for example). We will place an order for a custom piece of glass to install above the door for a perfect fit!
We know that our customer is looking for the best greenhouse on the market. We also know this can be a very subjective thing. Our goal at BC Greenhouses is to provide a wide variety of options so that we can appeal to the broadest consumer base. As everyone knows, buying a greenhouse is not an impulse purchase and requires planning and our team is prepared to help you every step of the way.
My water wand blew up in the last brutal storm of the season when water froze in my greenhouse. No one was expecting that cold spell but then again we live in a Northern climate and a wintertime greenhouse garden is usually cold. I should have known better.
BC Greenhouse Builders has taken great strides to ensure the best weather-sealed greenhouse on the market today. We have designed a system without the use of glazing clips as they create air (draft) gaps. Our greenhouse system utilizes a continuous exterior capping to fasten the glazing in the frame against an adhesive gasket for a weather-tight fit. Additionally, we incorporated weather stripping into our doors, windows and vents to ensure a draft-free greenhouse.
BC Greenhouses are built for North American climates with aluminum and high-quality glazing. While this isn't your standard furniture build, we do provide comprehensive instructions to help you get through the process smoothly.