Buying a New Greenhouse: Part 3 - Challenges & Progress
Challenges and Surprises During Greenhouse Construction
“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. *” I just never thought they would go awry during the...
“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. *” I just never thought they would go awry during the...
The first year I started my own garden, I knew that I needed a greenhouse. As a greenhorn gardener, I was already trying to start my flowers and vegetables from seed. It is no easy feat in the absence of a greenhouse. So, I started my search to building my first greenhouse.
It’s really, truly spring and the neighbours are jealous. They don’t have a greenhouse, so getting ready for spring in their gardens is all about buying high-cost overgrown plants from commercial greenhouses.
Greenhouses are not one size fits all but in the late fall through spring many greenhouse growers report problems with fungus in their greenhouse. Climate control and cleanliness are important aspects of preventing fungal problems in a greenhouse because damp cool conditions encourage mold to thrive and spread.
When buying a new greenhouse, the big news is that whatever you choose, it is never big enough because as gardeners we know how to expand our production to fill our space. That is when my last greenhouse was 16' x 20' and I grew citrus trees in central beds, trays and trays of starter plants on suspended shelves, strawberries in rain troughs sitting on brackets attached to the walls, tomatoes in beds along the inside walls and cucumbers climbing a trellis to the really high roof.
It's pretty tough to put all your thoughts into one "basket" - or in my case, one new greenhouse purchase. I'm Donna Balzer and I am a gardener and horticulturist by training. I am about to build my third BC Greenhouse Builders greenhouse this spring and you might think I should know everything about greenhouses by now.
It is December and the seed catalogues are arriving fast and furious. Meanwhile, online suppliers are pounding out dozens of notices to remind us it is time to order seeds soon.
Dry weather in California has made lettuce plants weaker and a virus has ravaged crops, leaving farmers with little to sell, according to an article in the November 18, 2022, Calgary Herald. Consequently, iceberg and romaine lettuce are harder to find this month all over North America.
Tidy up ahead of storms, so that in the event of high winds or snow storms items such as trash bins, lawn furniture, pots and trays will not be blown into your greenhouse. If required, move all the accumulated equipment and supplies out of the way along the sides and around ends of your greenhouse if you would like to create a path to the greenhouse or prevent snow drifts from accumulating on the sidewalls.
It's late September and I taste my first-ever finger lime, grown right in my greenhouse, and I am amazed by the crisp texture and luscious lime taste of the juicy vesicles. (See my first impressions here) And just then an unrelated email arrives. A Los Angeles-based marketing firm asks, "Will you showcase the benefits of nature on behalf of a client for an online event?"