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Cape Cod Greenhouse with leafy greens growing around it and inside the greenhouse.

Choosing the Right Greenhouse: A Gardener's Journey

It's pretty tough to put all your thoughts into one "basket" - or in my case, one new greenhouse purchase. I'm Donna Balzer and I am a gardener and horticulturist by training. I am about to build my third BC Greenhouse Builders greenhouse this spring and you might think I should know everything about greenhouses by now.

Protect Your Greenhouse from Storms: Tips and Tricks

How to Prepare your Greenhouse for High Wind Storms

Tidying Up Before Storms

Tidy up ahead of storms, so that in the event of high winds or snow storms items such as trash bins, lawn furniture, pots and trays will not be blown into your greenhouse. If required, move all the accumulated equipment and supplies out of the way along the sides and around ends of your greenhouse if you would like to create a path to the greenhouse or prevent snow drifts from accumulating on the sidewalls.

Donna Balzer in her thriving Pacific BC Greenhouse featuring butternut squash and greens

Discover the Benefits of Nature in a Greenhouse: A Gardener's Story

Late Fall Harvests

It's late September and I taste my first-ever finger lime, grown right in my greenhouse, and I am amazed by the crisp texture and luscious lime taste of the juicy vesicles. (See my first impressions here) And just then an unrelated email arrives. A Los Angeles-based marketing firm asks, "Will you showcase the benefits of nature on behalf of a client for an online event?"

First Steps When Buying a Greenhouse Simplified

Thinking about upgrading your garden space?

Wanting to expand your living area into the bright outdoors? Would you like to protect your plants throughout the colder weather that will soon be here?

Late Summer Greenhouse Gardening: Tips for a Successful Harvest

Late Summer Gardening Tips

It is late August and I am chatting with my daughter who lives in Northern Alberta, Canada. Her outside garden has never looked so good because of the heat and regular rains. But she is wishing she could get another month on either end of the growing season.

Lettuce growing in garden

Stagger Your Harvest: Double-Cropping for Your Winter Greenhouse

The peak of summer brings the best of all worlds for the greenhouse gardener. Early tomatoes, the first zucchini and loads of strawberries. But there is another thing summer brings. The chance to start winter vegetables in your greenhouse.