Posts about:
garden preparation (3)
Fall Tips to Prepare Your Greenhouse
There are many plant varieties and they all require different night temperatures to sustain their growth.
Greenhouse night temperatures
How a Greenhouse Can Save Your Garden from Climate Challenges
In late September, I asked Facebook followers to share their biggest gardening challenges this summer.
Tips for Growing Prize-Winning Tomatoes for Fall Fairs
My tomatoes are sitting beside me in the front seat of my shiny black station wagon. We are on our way to the fair!
5 Easy Steps to Start Your Greenhouse Garden Today
Setting Up Your Greenhouse: The box has finally arrived - the greenhouse is assembled. Now what?
I called Rodney a year after his greenhouse was installed. I expected him to brag about the size of his tomatoes or the hours he spends sitting and enjoying the beautiful space he created.
Summer Prep for Winter Greenhouse: Tips for Managing & Double Cropping
Surprisingly, Summer is the perfect time to prep for winterization
Managing your winter greenhouse with crops coming and going is a bit of an art form, so please bear with me. It involves starting seeds directly in greenhouse soil and also starting seeds in flats on shelves or potting benches.
How to Grow Pesticide-Free Strawberries in Your Greenhouse
I was just reading about how over-sprayed commercial strawberries area. I was reading this on the same day I was planting up my own greenhouse strawberries!
Greenhouse Gardening: Why Shade Cloth Is a Must-Have for Summer
Hot Summer Gardening
I had to take a break in the shade. It was over 30 C, the sun was beating down and I was thinking I might be getting heat stroke. So I stepped into my greenhouse to cool down.