Your Perfect Garden Awaits: Take Our Quiz to Find Your BC Greenhouse!
Hello gardening friends! Are you ready to take your gardening to a new level? Our Perfect Match Greenhouse Quiz is a fun way to make your gardening dreams come true!
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Hello gardening friends! Are you ready to take your gardening to a new level? Our Perfect Match Greenhouse Quiz is a fun way to make your gardening dreams come true!
Lennie tracked me down at a party. “It’s my cauliflowers,” she sighed. “They are small and button-like instead of big like at the store.”
The doorbell rings and the Purolator truck pulls away as I open the door. A shoebox-sized package is waiting on my step: my greenhouse bugs have arrived!
I am eating a lot of Kale and Bok Choi from my cool Greenhouse Garden right now. The winter-sown spinach is suddenly starting to explode as the days get longer too. There are still a few beets and carrots in the greenhouse and the season of overlapping crops is about to begin. This is a normal life with a greenhouse growing.
Corle ran ahead of me on the beach and stuck her head right into a dead seal. And then she took a big bite.
Arnold is always hungry. And some of his favorite foods are the fruits and vegetables I grow in my greenhouse. He also eats the plants of the tomatoes and squash I grow. He gently pokes around, licking up the small green fruits first and then chomps down on the whole tangled twisted plant.
I’m sitting in my greenhouse sipping a cool drink as I look outside. With the current heatwave this is positively the coolest spot in the garden right now. But it didn’t use to be that way. Scorched leaves, dry soil and wilted, bolting lettuce used to be the norm.
I had to take a break in the shade. It was over 30 C, the sun was beating down and I was thinking I might be getting heat stroke. So I stepped into my greenhouse to cool down.
Believe it or not, there is an ideal location for your greenhouse! Certain locations will not have the optimal lighting for your plans during a different season.