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BC Greenhouse Builders

BC Greenhouse Builders Ltd. was incorporated in 1951. Henry Heinen, employed with the company since 1959, purchased the company in 1972 with his wife Greta. With Henry’s expertise in design and manufacturing, he endeavoured to create the highest quality greenhouses called Cross Country Greenhouses. Henry and Greta’s son Rick now leads the company into new markets with innovative designs while continuing the legacy of a quality made product.

BCG Team Photo

Celebrating 70 Years of BC Greenhouses: Our History and Our People

A Look Inside BC Greenhouse Builders: Our Production and Our People

For BC Greenhouse Builders' 70th anniversary, we wanted to showcase our employees, our craft, and our history through a new video. Come celebrate with us, learn about our growth since the 1950s, and follow our team through production and daily life here at BC Greenhouses.

Hear from the Heinen Family about their generational investment in this greenhouse company, tour our manufacturing facility, and see what sets us apart from our competition as the leader in North American greenhouse production today! 

Seeds sprouting

The Story of Two Used Greenhouses from Craigslist

A Testament to the Durability of BC Greenhouse Builders Products

Big thanks to Larry Clarkson for telling us the story of his two used Traditional Greenhouses

Larry won the greenhouse lottery and found two used BC Greenhouse Traditional model greenhouses on, of all places, Craigslist. It's worth saying that we do not sell used greenhouses. After this story broke, our email blew up with requests from customers wanting to buy refurbished greenhouses. 

A Success Story: The Davis Family's Legacy with BC Greenhouse Builders

As with any company, there are many people, vendors, and supporters that make up the fabric of your success.  When I started at BC Greenhouse 10 years ago, they shared with me the story of Erik Davis and it was a pleasure to talk with Russ and Aarron Davis to get the full history of our Vancouver Island connection.  It’s clear that Erik Davis was one of the remarkable people that changed the course of our company.  Erik was a bricklayer by trade who lived on the Island and he was known for his love of gardening. The president of four garden clubs, Erik was familiar with BC Greenhouses and had met Don Vale who was an installer with BCG.  Erik purchased his first greenhouse in 1981.

Henry, Wayne, Rick and Jay Heinen

The Heinen Greenhouse Legacy Expands to the Okanagan

Wayne Heinen, the owner of Everlast Greenhouses, is the exclusive representative for BC Greenhouse Builders in the Okanagan and Kootenay region. 

Recently I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Wayne Heinen, owner of Everlast Greenhouses.  To say that Wayne grew up around greenhouses is an understatement.  Wayne, the youngest son of Henry and Greta Heinen, started hanging around BC Greenhouses and pitching in building cedar benches at nine years old.

Greenhouse that was recently rebuilt

Moving a Greenhouse Five Times: A Customer's Story & Testimonial

Read our customer's story about moving his beloved greenhouse five times

Thank you once again, Kyle, for taking the time to look after me yesterday. I did, again, appreciate so much your thoughtfulness in assisting me with my own reconstruction dilemma of a few weeks ago. As with everyone there, you showed such warmth and kindness, and as always, I am away with such a good feeling of support and confidence about my maintenance of my beloved little greenhouse.