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BC Greenhouse Builders

BC Greenhouse Builders Ltd. was incorporated in 1951. Henry Heinen, employed with the company since 1959, purchased the company in 1972 with his wife Greta. With Henry’s expertise in design and manufacturing, he endeavoured to create the highest quality greenhouses called Cross Country Greenhouses. Henry and Greta’s son Rick now leads the company into new markets with innovative designs while continuing the legacy of a quality made product.

BCG X Epic Gardening - Greenhouse Podcasts

BC Greenhouse Builders' General Manager, Kyle Exner, sat down with Kevin at Epic Gardening to chat about the first considerations when looking for a greenhouse.  Everything from Greenhouse location, to foundation information, and growing styles, this duo has you covered.  Listen to the postcast below for more!

First Steps When Buying a Greenhouse Simplified

Thinking about upgrading your garden space?

Wanting to expand your living area into the bright outdoors? Would you like to protect your plants throughout the colder weather that will soon be here?

Black Cape Cod style greenhouse with roof vent open

DIY Tips for Fixing a Stuck Greenhouse Roof Vent

Do you have a greenhouse roof vent that is no longer opening or not opening enough?

Over the years, the piston moving through the seals gradually wears the seal material away, allowing a gradual seepage of wax out of the cylinder. This reduces the pressure within the cylinder and needs to be replaced. But it could also be that the wax in the cylinder just needs a simple kickstart and a warm bath. Here is a tip to see if you can get them working again:

Interior of a BC Greenhouse

Maximize Your Growing Space in Your Greenhouse: Tips and Tricks

Maximize the growing space in your greenhouse

We are contacted daily by people looking to purchase a greenhouse to grow their own fruits and vegetables, extend their season and winter over, too. But what if you don't have a big yard but are concerned about food quality, potential supply chain issues, or even just having fresh produce readily available? The great news is that you can maximize the growing space in your greenhouse by thinking about it like a vertical and horizontal quadrant.  Use the space on the floor, containers or beds, wall space and shelving, framing bars that run the full sidewall height and the roof bars. Each framing bar is an interior bolt track system which means you can hang shelves, baskets, or accessories anywhere in the greenhouse.

When you are a gardener with a smaller sized greenhouse, you can make space for new growth.  In fact, you might like to read our blog post about how much produce you can grow in your 8x8 greenhouse! 

Where To Place Your Lean-to Greenhouse: Locations and Considerations

Planning a Lean-To Greenhouse

When planning a lean to greenhouse, its placement is critical to its functionality and aesthetic appeal. A well-positioned attached greenhouse can enhance both your gardening experience and your home’s appearance. According to Angela Drake, Marketing Director with BC Greenhouse Builders, 1 out of 4 inquiries about new greenhouses involve home-attached designs. So, is this an option for you?

It's essential to consider several factors before committing to planning a lean-to greenhouse.