BC Greenhouse Builders The Next Generation Takes Over a 70-Year Legacy
Looking Back
Today and into the Future: BC Greenhouse GM Reflects
About Kyle
Kyle began his storied career with BCG in 1997. “I actually worked with Rick’s brother in law Roger at Ryder Truck Rentals and he knew that Rick was looking for someone as an office guy. In true Roger fashion, he really oversold it and called it a ‘worldwide conglomerate’ as Roger would do and I thought “Wow, this sounds amazing”. Worldwide actually meant that the company had shipped a greenhouse to Australia once.” Flash forward to 2021 with Rick and Kyle at the helm and we truly are worldwide!
Kevin Stanyer Talks About His Role as Custom Fabrications Manager
Kevin Stanyer, Custom Fabrication Manager, talks about his role at BC Greenhouses.
When it comes to custom greenhouses, Kevin is an amazing resource for the team at BCG. The custom projects that are designed and manufactured from his department are unique, complex and quite frankly cool. But let’s go back to the beginning for a moment.
Tips for Organic Gardeners to Control Bugs in the Greenhouse
Success in the greenhouse is simple
The doorbell rings and the Purolator truck pulls away as I open the door. A shoebox-sized package is waiting on my step: my greenhouse bugs have arrived!
Optimize Your Greenhouse for Year-Round Food Production: Tips & Tricks
Optimizing Your Greenhouse this Winter by Growing Food Year-Round
In my region an atmospheric river flooded out roads, rails and farms. This probably seems pretty minor compared to areas affected by cyclones and hurricanes but one thing is certain: there has never been a better time to own a greenhouse.
Meet Greg, the Design and Engineering Manager of BC Greenhouse
Meet Greg, The Design and Engineer Manager Behind The Best Greenhouses in the World
Greg is a bit of a mystery man. His role at BC Greenhouse Builders has greatly evolved in the almost twenty years he has been here. No one is entirely certain what he does exactly due to the complexity and unbelievable amount of detail required.
Nathan Steegstra's Journey as a Factory Installer at BCG
Nathan Steegstra, a factory greenhouse installer for BC Greenhouse Builders, reminisces on his history
“I started approximately 20 years ago and I was hired by Jay. Jay said it was the most unorthodox interview ever,” Nathan chuckles. “My buddy Darren worked for BCG and I picked him up from one of their parties. All I remember is Henry’s big arm is around my neck and he hands me a beer. Kyle starts interviewing me and then I think “I gotta get out of here”. Two weeks later, Nathan joined the production crew and is now our lead factory greenhouse installer.
A Photographer's Backyard Greenhouse: Bigger, Better & Picture Perfect
BC Greenhouse Featured in Style at Home Magazine
BC Greenhouse Builders Limited, North America’s leading builder of hobby and estate greenhouses, is proud to announce the recent article “A Photographer's Backyard Greenhouse is Picture Perfect” by Christy Wright. The article features our customer Emily Yewchuck and her stunning Cottage model 12x16 glass greenhouse.
Backyard Greenhouses: A Growing Trend - Wall Street Journal Feature
Backyard Greenhouses are Growing on Homeowners
BC Greenhouse Builders Limited, North America’s leading builder of hobby and estate greenhouses, is proud to announce the recent article "Backyard Greenhouses are Growing on Homeowners" by Melissa Feldman. The publication comes at a great time while we are celebrating our 70th anniversary. This article featured two of our greenhouses and greenhouse customers.