Greenhouse Gardening Tips

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greenhouses (2)

BC Greenhouse Builders

Joanna DeJong: A True Legacy at BC Greenhouse Builders

Joanna, accountant for BC Greenhouse Builders, is a legacy

As part of our 70th Anniversary, we continue with spotlights on people who have shaped the BC Greenhouses that we are today. 

Joanna DeJong, Accounts Manager of BC Greenhouse Builders, started her long career in 1997.  One of the few legacy employees who not only remembers the Hedley location in Burnaby but worked there too.  Joanna started as a Girl Friday of sorts but her introduction to the Heinen family started much earlier.

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Growing starts in my April greenhouse

How Worm Castings, Pests, and Algae Affect Your Greenhouse Garden

Pests, Worm Castings and Algae

What are Worm Castings?

Before we get to greenhouse gardening algae, let's talk about a shopper on Amazon that complained about bugs in her worm castings. If you don’t speak garden lingo yet, worm castings are simply worm poop. They are mixed with soil in garden beds or in pots to make tomatoes grow faster, stronger and healthier. And just in case you missed the memo, worm poop comes with bugs of its own. The good ones.

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Kale and other greenhouse green vegetables

Greenhouse Growing: 5-Step Plan for Sensible & Successful Gardening

Greenhouse Growing is Planning for the Future

I am eating a lot of Kale and Bok Choi from my cool Greenhouse Garden right now.  The winter-sown spinach is suddenly starting to explode as the days get longer too. There are still a few beets and carrots in the greenhouse and the season of overlapping crops is about to begin.  This is a normal life with a greenhouse growing.

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Henry, Wayne, Rick and Jay Heinen

The Heinen Greenhouse Legacy Expands to the Okanagan

Wayne Heinen, the owner of Everlast Greenhouses, is the exclusive representative for BC Greenhouse Builders in the Okanagan and Kootenay region. 

Recently I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Wayne Heinen, owner of Everlast Greenhouses.  To say that Wayne grew up around greenhouses is an understatement.  Wayne, the youngest son of Henry and Greta Heinen, started hanging around BC Greenhouses and pitching in building cedar benches at nine years old.

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Greenhouse that was recently rebuilt

Moving a Greenhouse Five Times: A Customer's Story & Testimonial

Read our customer's story about moving his beloved greenhouse five times

Thank you once again, Kyle, for taking the time to look after me yesterday. I did, again, appreciate so much your thoughtfulness in assisting me with my own reconstruction dilemma of a few weeks ago. As with everyone there, you showed such warmth and kindness, and as always, I am away with such a good feeling of support and confidence about my maintenance of my beloved little greenhouse.

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5 Tips for Keeping Your Greenhouse Toasty this Winter

Keeping Your Plants Cozy This Holiday Season

Imagine my surprise when a small hole we drilled through our greenhouse foundation became a runway for mice. We pulled an extension cord into my greenhouse through that hole and the tiny gap became a neon sign for rodents.

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The inside of Donna's Greenhouse

6 Tips for Cleaning Your Greenhouse Before Winter Sets In

Its never too early to get a head start

My husband and I planned a mid-week ski trip but on departure day I was still in my off finishing a time-sensitive project. We were staying overnight at the hill, it was still a workday, and the car was loaded up. There was no rush to get moving.

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Donna Balzer and her dog

Clearing Greenhouse Waste: Tips for Small-Scale Gardeners

Arnold is always hungry. And some of his favorite foods are the fruits and vegetables I grow in my greenhouse.  He also eats the plants of the tomatoes and squash I grow. He gently pokes around, licking up the small green fruits first and then chomps down on the whole tangled twisted plant.

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