If you have dealt with BC Greenhouses in the past, you might have been asked about your door drop. And you even may have wondered what we were talking about. Here is a quick explanation to the door drop and why it is important for your hobby greenhouse plans.
Customize Your Hobby Greenhouse with a Door Drop
A door drop is a custom modification that lowers the greenhouse door into the foundation (or allows the door to be flush with the ground). Prior to manufacturing the greenhouse, BC Greenhouse Builders will ask for the dimensions of the “drop” which is the total height of the greenhouse foundation (which could be a concrete footing, one row of 4x4’s, or a custom rock wall for example). We will place an order for a custom piece of glass to install above the door for a perfect fit!
Drop Door Walkthrough
You can learn more about greenhouse foundations and what to consider before you purchase in our Essential Greenhouse Foundations Guide!